What goes through your head when you are told that you are expecting triplets

Go Baby Go!

Reklame (AD) for GobabyGo

I simply love the phase our babies are in now at 7 months, when they are just beginning to move around, figuring out how to use their bodies to reach things and go places they want to go. 😀

I remember this time very well from when Mikael was little. Look how cute he looked a 8 months! <3

And at 9 months.

We bought him this set of kneepads and also two pairs of tights with rubber pads on the knees and feet to help him a bit on the way, and they made it a lot easier for him to learn how to both creep, crawl and later to stand up and walk!


Here he is wearing the tights on his 1 year birthday party. <3

So when GoBabyGo wanted to do a collaboration with me I was really happy, because I was actually just thinking of buying several pairs for the trio!

The first time they tried them on was last week, before we got the huge play pen. We cleared the floor in our living room of play mats and toys, and let them move around on the floor wearing their new tights.

I looove babies in tights! I got a question from an American follower earlier who thought it was a bit strange to let them wear tights without a dress over it, and she also said that boys would very seldom wear it over there. And that it was even hard finding models that weren’t «girlie girlie». Here in Scandinavia it is almost a uniform for babies, especially during winter because it is so easy to dress them in layers / have a warm outdoor suit on top. But it is also so good to wear for the rest of the year as well, because it is so comfortable and makes it easy for the babies to move their bodies effortlessly and to explore the world around them.

These sets of Crawling Tights are the same Mikael had two years ago, they are made of soft stretch cotton and “have special designed rubber pads on the knees, under the feet and on top of the toes prevent children from sliding on slippery surfaces when starting to crawl and walk – making them more confident and mobile as they go along.” You can check out the range of colors here. I really love these, and from experience I know that they stay in shape even after getting washed over and over again.

I love how they always end up tangled up in each other. <3

Look how Filip is lifting his butt! That was actually the first time he had lifted it that high, and yesterday (one week after these photos were taken) he actually started creeping (pushing himself around on her stomach) for real!

Another day, another way!

Ready for some action! Filip is so cute in his kneepads and matching socks! Looks like he is mini-skater or something. :-))) Sk8erboy <3

Now that we have gotten the massive play pen in the middle of the living room, we have started taking the babies out to the kitchen area to practicing crawling. AND we got the perfect teacher with us:

Here Mikael is wearing Non-Slip socks in thick cotton, that are perfect for kindergarten! He is running really fast now, and it is so easy to slip and fall when you run around in regular socks.

The babies are wearing the Crawling kneepads made from thick winter cotton, which also are equipped with non-slip rubber pads.

Target in sight: Go get it Filip!

So nice when all three of them are happy, awake, content and active!

These pads can easily be put on any clothes, and are great if you want to dress the babies in pants or if you have other pair of tights you want to use.

I love these Non-Slip socks in a soft bamboo cotton from GoBabyGo, you can clearly see that the babies get a good grip on the floor wearing these because of the rubber pads under the feet and on top of the toes. They also stay put because of the high ribbed fabric that can be drawn all the way up to the knees if you want to. We have them in both white and grey, but you can get them in other colors as well.


Someone got tired and needed a lap to sit on and a hand to hold on to. <3

Happy again! And everybody agreed that it had been a great learning-to-crawl-session! 😀

I have a discount code! If you use the code: triplets20, you will get 20% off on any item at www.gobabygo.dk! This code is valid for 1 month. (Until May 29th 2019.)

Doesn’t Iben look cool in her crawling gear? 😀




  • You can also gift your baby the Play mat! Because It will help him/her to play as well as the gym. Really it is Awesome for child activities and baby Growth!!!

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  • Elise

    Så lik Mikael og Iben er. Trodde først det var bilder av Iben når jeg bladde fort ned!

    Ellers er jeg litt nysgjerrig på hva du og Anders jobber med. Hadde vært spennende å lese om i et blogginnlegg (hvis du ikke allerede har det?)

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    • Triplets of Copenhagen

      Hei! Ja, de er ganske så like <3 Nå har jeg faktisk skrevet et instagram-innlegg der det står hva vi driver med 🙂

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  • Becky

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What goes through your head when you are told that you are expecting triplets